Thursday, December 17, 2009

8 Months.

Dear Warren,

Saturday you turned 8 months old. So much has changed for you in the last few months. You are ALL over the place. When you turned 6 months old you were rocking back and forth up on all fours just trying to figure out how in the world to get moving. Well after a few weeks of rocking on your hands and knees you got the hang of it and were crawling by the first of November. Since then you have just gotten faster, started pulling, up and taking steps along the furniture. You are very determined. You keep trying everything over and over till you get it. I love that about you. You don't cry when you don't get it, just keep trying.

You are still a very happy baby and I couldn't ask for anything better. You have had some trouble with some ear infections the last couple months, so during those times you were a understandably a little fussy. I also know you are teething because you feel the need to put everything in your mouth and just gnaw on it.

Your daddy and I love to hear your belly laugh. You get a big kick out of watching your brother do silly stuff and he loves to make you laugh. Bath time is your absolute favorite though. You and your brother will play forever in there just laughing and splashing. You two make huge mess every night at bath time....but it is worth it to me to hear you two cackling together. I love it.

You would really prefer us to just hold you all night while you slept which I love to hold you when you sleep, but we are working on getting you to sleep better on your own. You usually fall asleep around 9:30 or 10 in my arms. That is "our time". It is when Wyatt is in bed and we just get to cuddle. That is my favorite time of the day. You usually wake up around 6:30 0r 7 with a 2 2hr naps during the day. (10ish and 3ish) You eat oatmeal for breakfast, baby food for lunch, and rice cereal for dinner.

Oh and your pretty much "bah" and some other undefinable noised. The only sound you are saying consistently is "bah".



Happy Trails said...

That is the cutest picture of him. He looks good in red, but for that matter, who doesn't. Can't wait to see those sweet boys. Hope his ear infection clears up soon.

Pambo said...

Warren is so yummy. I think I would hold him all night if I lived there and was his grandma. He's adorable.