I took these pictures back in December thinking I would send out Christmas cards, and well that just didn't happen.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Eighteen Months.
Today Warren is 18 months old. It is so weird because it feels as if he has been part of our family forever, but when I look at these sweet pictures of him as a baby it seems like it was just last week or something.
So much has gone on in our lives since he was born I think his development and growth has just snuck up on me.
A few days old.
18 months old.
So he is in the cheeeeeese mode of smiling anytime you put anything that remotely looks like a camera in his face. Sure makes for some funny pictures such as this one.
My little man. What a ball of energy he is.
I love this little guy. He is a handful right now, but he is so sweet at the same time. Of course he gets into EVERYTHING, but man he gives hugs and kisses so freely. The boy loves to cuddle. On tuesdays Wyatt goes to school and I get to spend the day with just Warren. It is really great to be able to hear Warren talk more and spend some one on one time with him.
The two things Warren loves most, balls and shoes. I really think he loves shoes because it is usually followed by going outside. He is a smart guy. 'If I can get mom to put my shoes on we can go outside.' He also loves balls any kind, but preferably a football.
There is a lot of wrestling that goes on at our house these days and has been for that matter since Wyatt was this age.
Warren has had a few battles with ear issues and allergies, but we are so thankful that God has blessed us with two healthy boys.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Well....my blog has been ignored for a while now. I just have not had time to mess with updating. So much I need to update, but for now just couple little clips of our little guy playing his first season of soccer. This was his second game from this past Saturday and I am still figuring out how to share video.
You also might want to make sure you sound is turned down a little before playing this....Russell gets a little loud. : )
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Good times.
Last weekend we enjoyed a spontaneous visit from my brother, his wife, and two boys. While talking on the phone we realized we both had a free weekend and no plans so they loaded up that night drove four hours and bunked up with us for a couple days. We had lots of fun. It is always a treat to see my nephews since they live 4 hours away. It is also great to see my boys playing with them. Of course there was a good share of arguing, but hopefully they will outgrow that as they mature.
These are some sweet boys...only missing two other boys (Brandon and Taylor) to complete the group, but here are a few pics from the weekend.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Warren's Camera Face.
When you put a camera in Warren's face this is what you get right now.
Sooo cute, but I still like those big toothy smiles every once and a while so we are working on it.
This is how we have spent much of our summer days we have been home. Just playing in the back yard with some sort of water play to beat the Texas heat. :)
Aww...look at cute little Boaz in the back there.
Wyatt's smiles have to be caught on the run.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Museum of Living Art
Museum of Living Art is the Theme right now for the Fort Worth Zoo and I think it is great. Love going to the zoo and being reminded of just how creative our God is.
The boys of course just loved the zoo. Wyatt really learned alot this trip. He is really loving to learn what different animals eat. Warren was pretty into it too. He just kept pointing and saying "da" which is his way of saying dog.

The boys of course just loved the zoo. Wyatt really learned alot this trip. He is really loving to learn what different animals eat. Warren was pretty into it too. He just kept pointing and saying "da" which is his way of saying dog.
They had Gorilla's! We loved watching the Gorillas, I had never saw one in a zoo before.
Wyatt being goofy.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Camping and Fishing
I am a little behind on posting stuff. We have just been pretty busy.
We took the boys out camping for the first time on Memorial Day weekend and had a great time. I remember spending many vacations this way growing up and just loving it. I didn't really remember to take alot of pictures, I was pretty busy just trying to keep Warren from eating something that might hurt him :). Pretty sure he ate quite a bit of dirt on this trip though.

While we were camping Wyatt's little body decided to alert us that he was allergic to something. We had noticed he was itching on Thursday and tried to treat him with Benedryl, but woke up Friday morning to a really bad rash all over and he was still itching real bad. We opted to run into Sulphur Springs and see our Doctor friend that practices there. Thank goodness he worked us in. A steriod shot and some meds to take with us took care of it all.
We are pretty sure it was a reaction to strawberries.

These pictures are actually from earlier the week before. We took both the boys out and all went fishing. We just happened upon some fish and were catching them like crazy. The boys were soooo good. Wyatt just fished and fished. Warren was content as long as there were Cherrios in his bowl. We caught a ton of fish. I think we ended up with 23 Hybrids. Big ones too!
Russell helping Wyatt reel in a big one.

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